Every case is different but set out below you will see our guide prices for the services we offer.
These fees are based upon a client coming directly to the service but if you already have a solicitor working on your case then these fees may well be reduced.
All fees are quoted and paid in full upfront to avoid nasty surprises later in the process.
If you require any additional services after your initial piece of work then a further fee will be quoted and you can again decide whether you're happy to proceed.
Status Tracing
From £1000 (+VAT)
The fee quoted will reflect the complexity of your case
Citizenship Application Service
To review your application and documents from £750 (+VAT)
To help you complete an application from scratch from £1000 (+VAT)
These fees may be reduced if you have already used one of our other services
Assessing Eligibility to Apply for Citizenship or ILR
From £1000 (+VAT)
The actual fee quoted will reflect the complexity and amount of time that it is estimated will be spent on your case but this is the anticipated fee for a straightforward case